Firstly, it’s great she has a friend like you to talk to. Try and encourage her to talk about how she is feeling. She may well be feeling confused, scared and very unsure what to do next. Talking about her situation and her feelings may help her to see the issues more clearly and can be a first step towards making a positive decision about her future.
It’s really important that she doesn’t rush into any decision that she may regret later – you can help her to avoid this by encouraging her to find out more information, or by finding out some information yourself and sharing it with her.
Where can I find information?
At TPAC our team of advisors are here for your friend to talk to. They’ll listen to her and help her work through any concerns or questions she may have. They can give her information about pregnancy, birth, abortion and adoption, and they also have lots of information available about the support and help that’s available to mothers in different circumstances. Our specially trained ultrasonographers can give her a free ultrasound scan so she can see her baby and learn about development if she would like to.
Tyneside Pregnancy Advice Centre is run by a registered Christian Charity (Charity Number 1188868)